
ONE-TWO PUNCH (OTP)  was specifically created to show you how to put the best aspects of nutrition information into action — in a way that makes sense. It’s designed to feel comfortable and still allow you to reach your health and fitness goals.  This concept evolved as I was trying to simplify food and eating for individuals visiting with me. There are so many things influencing our behavior with food. Without help, it can be overwhelming. Plain and simple, I am an EATING COACH. Every day I coach individuals to improve their relationship with food; to help them understand, recognize and honor their body cues while also trying to sort out the confusion about the nutrition advice coming at them every day.  Groundbreaking and sensational work on this concept was introduced by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in their first book, Intuitive Eating. Many Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) refer to this book as “the bible” when it comes to an emotionally healthy relationship with food.5  Let me review a couple of definitions. Intuitive eating includes rejecting the dieting mentality, using nutrition information without judgment and respecting your body, regardless of how you feel about its shape. Intuitive eating summarily is … Continue reading Eating